
About the report of Mao Asada and Yuna kim in Japan

The realities of the mass media of Japan are written. 
If it knows this, you might sincerely be surprised.
First of all, please look at this image.
It is what was written the TV station's named TBS of Japan examining the fortune of Mao and Yuna by casting a horoscope four sport paper , and collectively on the board and broadcast , at 0 of daytime:12 February 24.

Japanese sport paper (Newspaper that issues news related to amusement like sports and gossip, public entertainments, and leisure, etc) It is the one like the tabloid newspaper and the popular paper etc. of other countries.

Yuna is Virgo, Mao is Libra.
SANKEI SPORTS is "Work fate"
DAILY SPORTS is "Work fate"
NIKKAN SPORTS is "Synthesis , Success"
These items are written.
You understand the sign and the figure.

"The Japanese also casts a horoscope. The fortune of Yuna is good. And, this what is the problem? Do because the fortune of Mao is bad? It is a paranoid. "


Please look at the image well again.

Have you seen the horoscope printed in the newspaper and the magazine? Was it recalled to write fortune in some items respectively by 12 constellations? Health and work, love, friend, home, and synthesis, etc. It is not only one item. Only one item every a newspaper is pulled out and it is written on this board. Will you think that this is strange?

There is another.

There are a lot of sport paper in Japan. In the national newspaper, NIKKAN SPORTS, SPORTS NIPPON, and SPORTS HOUCHI. In the local newspaper, CHUNICHI SPORTS, SANKEI SPORTS, DOUSHIN SPORTS, NISHINIPPON SPORTS, DAILY SPORTS, and KYUSYU SPORTS. In the evening newspaper, YUUKAN FUJI, NIKKAN GENDAI, and TOKYO SPORTS.
Being chosen and having been written on the board , one company in the national newspaper , three companies in the local newspaper. TBS that broadcasts this program is MAINICHI newspaper system. The sport paper of the MAINICHI system is SPORTS NIPPON. However, it is not written on the board.

It is so, and only the item of the newspaper that the fortune of Yuna is good, and the fortune of Mao is bad is pulled out, and broadcasts.

" It is unbelievable ! Why does the TV station in Japan do such a foolish act? Mao is Japanese !!! "

It is a long ages for a long time before. For a long time after World War II.
No, the American is not related.
A very powerful advertising agency is a problem.

The story is next time.

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